Saturday, June 11, 2011

Forerunner777's YouTube Channel *Video*


The New Age Agenda Part 1

The Forerunner, Christopher Hudson, is a 7th Day Adventist. He gives lectures and Bible studies exposing the new age, new world order, and much more.


  1. I couldn't tell much from his website, but watching his videos on YouTube, I can tell he promotes worshiping on the Sabbath. I have sent a message to him at YouTube asking directly if he is Seventh Day Adventist and am waiting on a response. Can I ask where you confirmed this? One reason this concerns me is because I enjoyed his studies. There was another time when I was into a guy's Bible studies only to find out he was also Seventh Day. In that case when I directly asked, I never received an answer. Of course I quit supporting that teacher.

    I wonder why it is that these people never just come out and SAY that they are Seventh Day Adventist. If they felt they were right, it seems that they wouldn't try to hide it from evangelical Christians.

  2. ree, he is SDA. My husband has talked to him before, and I have met some people that booked him to speak at Oakwood University. I know he is busy. Maybe he doesn't state his denomination because he doesn't want people with preconceived notions about the church to prejudge his teachings. I'm SDA too, and I don't hide it. My beliefs are clearly stated in the "about me" section. Even though, I am SDA, I still listen to other teachers that teach the truth. For instance, Chris White (knowwheretorun1984) is a Calvinist. I don't agree with a lot of his beliefs, and he obviously thinks that SDA's are wrong. However, he is teaching important truths about the new age movement. Same with Forerunner... I don't see why you would quit listening to his teaching even if he is SDA. If you enjoyed the Bible studies you have done with Adventists, then why do you think that the SDA church does not have the truth? Whenever I study with someone, the first thing that I tell them is that I am an Adventist. I studied my way into it on my own, though. So, I'm sorry that you feel like someone has misled you or has been sneaky before. I don't think it's the right thing to do at all, but I know some SDA's do it because people have prejudices against the denomination.

  3. Interesting insights Grace. I joined the SDA church in May of 2011 (even though I wanted to at many points of my life, but was stopped by family, friends, an ex-girlfriend, other deceptions,etc...)

    And yes Grace, Ellen G White herself in her own writings even says that the Majority of Christians exist outside the SDA church.

    And Grace, I agree with you that there are Christians in ALL denominations. There are some legalists or fanatics in the SDA church who give the church a bad name and misrepresent its doctrines.

    The other thing that has always fascinated me as a former Baptist Christian (and even former non-denominational when I began to become dis-illusioned with my local Baptist church, yet could find no content in other churches... at this point, i had not yet looked into the SDA christian) is how in many cases, be it the SDA church's teaching on the Sabbath, Anti-Christ,etc..., the SDA church is simply teaching what much of the Early 1st Century Christian Church taught, the Protestant Reformers in the Middle Ages and beyond.

    Yet somewhere along the way, for example, the Lutherans no longer teach many of the teachings that Luther taught (such as the Pope being Anti-Christ). The founder of the Baptist Church also taught that, but some have since strayed from that teaching.

    There is a website that I found that includes comparison of founding statements of many protestant churches with their current views, and it just shows that the SDA church is just upholding many of the doctrines and teachings that Protestants in past centuries and millenials (since we are now in the 2nd millenium of AD).

    However, as Grace said, the SDA church does have a special message and mission to proclaim, which is the Three Angel's Messages.

    I like this blog enough that I will finally start my own

  4. Is it okay if I post a link to my new blog and follow yours?

  5. Yes! Please feel free to share as much as you want from my blog. I will definitely check yours out too! Thank you so much for the post.


  6. No problem. Glad to post and share :)

  7. remember the Sabbath, Gods day of rest, dont be fooled by mans change to sunday, by Constantine, the Papacy in 321 A.D. to appease pagan sunworshipers
