Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked
I don't know about the other videos posted by that guy, EliotNesch. From what I can tell, his theology is off even though the info debunking Zeitgeist is good. I can't recommend any other videos by him!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Light Bearers Ministry *Bible Studies*
I have tried their studies on Daniel and Revelation. So far, they are very good! I just don't care too much for the name "Light Bearers" for obvious reasons. However, we should be bearers of light in this dark world. It doesn't always have to apply to that other guy, I suppose!
Light Bearers Bible Studies
Light Bearers Bible Studies
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Beast from the Abyss-Ivor Myers
Here is a good video that I watched by Ivor Myers...
Beast from the Abyss-Part I
Beast from the Abyss-Part II 1/9*
*just click the other parts on the sidebar on YouTube
What do the French Revolution, Evolution, Hip-Hop, Rock and Roll, and the Entertainment Industry all have in common? This series reveals the organized confusion Satan is using in these last days against young people to keep them from the word of God. Once again, Pastor Myers takes you behind the scenes to the real issues that our youth face today. Your eyes will be opened!
Also good by Pastor Myers...
Sonic Warfare
Beast from the Abyss-Part I
Beast from the Abyss-Part II 1/9*
*just click the other parts on the sidebar on YouTube
What do the French Revolution, Evolution, Hip-Hop, Rock and Roll, and the Entertainment Industry all have in common? This series reveals the organized confusion Satan is using in these last days against young people to keep them from the word of God. Once again, Pastor Myers takes you behind the scenes to the real issues that our youth face today. Your eyes will be opened!
Also good by Pastor Myers...
Sonic Warfare
Friday, June 24, 2011
Spiritual Formation
What's so bad about spiritual formation? (Article Series)
Video: The New Spirituality & The Emergent Church
What's so bad about spiritual formation?
Author: John Witcombe
Summary: Spiritual formation is a popular new way to draw near to God. But beneath the good intentions lie dangerous practices that can in fact pull people towards occultism rather than God.
The spiritual formation movement is spreading rapidly throughout the Christian community. The concept of being formed spiritually is not wrong in itself, but many practices that accompany the movement miss the mark. Often, mystic rituals do not glorify the true God but can instead lead us into dangerous spritualism.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hollywood's War on God *Video*
Click Here to Watch the Full Video
Movies Exposed: Ron Howard & Tom Hanks' "The Da Vinci Code"; Keanu Reeves' "The Matrix" and "Constantine"; Brad Pitt's "Fight Club"; Jim Carrey's "Truman Show"; Toby McQuire's "Pleasantville"; Arnold Swarzenegger's "Total Recall"; Johnny Depp's "From Hell"; Shawn Connery's "League of Extraordinary Gentleman"; J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter"; Harrison Ford's "Bladerunner"; Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky," "Eyes Wide Shut" and "Minority Report" and many others.
Hollywood's War on God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a "strong delusion" as the world joins Satan and the final Antichrist in their war on God.
Good Fight Ministries
*Disclaimer-I do not agree with Good Fight Ministry on everything. They are doing good work, but some of their theology is off.
Movies Exposed: Ron Howard & Tom Hanks' "The Da Vinci Code"; Keanu Reeves' "The Matrix" and "Constantine"; Brad Pitt's "Fight Club"; Jim Carrey's "Truman Show"; Toby McQuire's "Pleasantville"; Arnold Swarzenegger's "Total Recall"; Johnny Depp's "From Hell"; Shawn Connery's "League of Extraordinary Gentleman"; J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter"; Harrison Ford's "Bladerunner"; Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky," "Eyes Wide Shut" and "Minority Report" and many others.
Hollywood's War on God is a mind-blowing, eye-popping documentary that reveals how satanic forces are using Hollywood's most memorable movies and most popular actors to propagate an ancient lie in fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a "strong delusion" as the world joins Satan and the final Antichrist in their war on God.
Good Fight Ministries
*Disclaimer-I do not agree with Good Fight Ministry on everything. They are doing good work, but some of their theology is off.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Great Controversy *E-Book*
What is the Great Controversy?
From Adventist.org
From Adventist.org
All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe. This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God's adversary, and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. This human sin resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the worldwide flood. Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation. (Rev. 12:4-9; Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:12-18; Gen. 3; Rom. 1:19-32; 5:12-21; 8:19-22; Gen. 6-8; 2 Peter 3:6; 1 Cor. 4:9; Heb. 1:14.)
Click here to read the whole book: The Great Controversy
British Israelism/Christian Identity/Anglo-Israelism
This sort of ties in with my post about Spiritual Israel vs Literal Israel. I will just provide some info that I have researched about this movement, and you can decide and research more if you like. I believe that we should be very careful and research the history behind these things in order to be informed about Middle Eastern events and Bible Prophecy. There are a lot of deceptions to weed through at this time!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Spiritual Israel *E-Book*
Here is an excerpt from Spiritual Israel by Doug Batchelor...
Another Brood Parasite
The devil has successfully planted a dangerous lie in modern Christian theology, and it has been unwittingly hatched, adopted and nurtured by most evangelical churches—and now this parasite is pushing out Bible truth with a bigger-than-life-deception. Sadly, this adopted falsehood is growing fat with attention while true interpretations of prophecy are starving with neglect. Today around the globe, millions interested in Bible prophecy have their eyes fixed on Jerusalem. To be fair, it is really not all that difficult with the legitimate news value that comes from that never-ending quagmire of strife and bloodshed between Palestinians and Israelites. Christians are constantly speculating about the modern state of Israel, a rebuilt Jewish temple, and a Middle East Armageddon. These subjects are being discussed through magazines, books, radio, television, the Internet, the pulpit and at Bible prophecy conferences.
It is amazing how many Christians fully buy into this connection of end-time Bible prophecies concerning the nation of Israel. For example, best-selling author Dave Hunt echoes these views on the back cover of his popular book, A Cup of Trembling. He writes: “Fast-moving events in the Middle East point almost daily toward the grand finale—the time of greatest suffering for the Jewish people worldwide, which will climax in the terrifying battle of Armageddon and the glorious return of Messiah to rescue Israel and reign over the world from David’s reestablished throne in Jerusalem.”
Please continue to read on the link below if you would like to read the entire booklet.
Spiritual Israel Booklet
Another Brood Parasite
The devil has successfully planted a dangerous lie in modern Christian theology, and it has been unwittingly hatched, adopted and nurtured by most evangelical churches—and now this parasite is pushing out Bible truth with a bigger-than-life-deception. Sadly, this adopted falsehood is growing fat with attention while true interpretations of prophecy are starving with neglect. Today around the globe, millions interested in Bible prophecy have their eyes fixed on Jerusalem. To be fair, it is really not all that difficult with the legitimate news value that comes from that never-ending quagmire of strife and bloodshed between Palestinians and Israelites. Christians are constantly speculating about the modern state of Israel, a rebuilt Jewish temple, and a Middle East Armageddon. These subjects are being discussed through magazines, books, radio, television, the Internet, the pulpit and at Bible prophecy conferences.
It is amazing how many Christians fully buy into this connection of end-time Bible prophecies concerning the nation of Israel. For example, best-selling author Dave Hunt echoes these views on the back cover of his popular book, A Cup of Trembling. He writes: “Fast-moving events in the Middle East point almost daily toward the grand finale—the time of greatest suffering for the Jewish people worldwide, which will climax in the terrifying battle of Armageddon and the glorious return of Messiah to rescue Israel and reign over the world from David’s reestablished throne in Jerusalem.”
Please continue to read on the link below if you would like to read the entire booklet.
Spiritual Israel Booklet
Who is Michael? *E-Book*
Ok, so let's just tackle this head on. I summarized the Amazing Facts booklet about Michael, so I will post that in the blog. If you are interested in further study on Michael, then please see the links below.
Amazing Facts-Who is Michael?
Creation Science Prophecy Site (I can't fully endorse this whole site because I have not had time to go through all of it yet. The info on Michael seems solid.)
Who is Michael? (Summary)
Amazing Facts-Who is Michael?
Creation Science Prophecy Site (I can't fully endorse this whole site because I have not had time to go through all of it yet. The info on Michael seems solid.)
Who is Michael? (Summary)
Answers in Genesis *Link*
I really like this website. Before I became a Christian, I saw this organization in the news and scoffed at them for being ignorant Christians who thought that the earth was created in 6,000 years. Now, I really appreciate the work that they are doing to give thoughtful, reasonable answers to questions of origin.
Answers in Genesis Site
Get Answers Here
I can say that I 100% agree with the AiG Mission Statement and Statement of Faith.
Answers in Genesis Site
Get Answers Here
I can say that I 100% agree with the AiG Mission Statement and Statement of Faith.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Seventh Day *Video*
The Seventh Day Website
Watch All Online Here
Which day is the Christian Sabbath? Sunday? Or is it Saturday? Did Jesus authorize the change of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day? Did His disciples do it?
In The Seventh Day, host Hal Holbrook takes viewers back across the centuries to uncover the history of the Sabbath. This five-part documentary video series traces the evidence of ancient records as found in the archives and libraries of international scholarship.
The story of the change of the Sabbath is enriched by the testimony of fifty historians and theologians from around the world. Together they provide a careful exposé of the epic battle over the biblical Sabbath.
Watch All Online Here
Which day is the Christian Sabbath? Sunday? Or is it Saturday? Did Jesus authorize the change of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day? Did His disciples do it?
In The Seventh Day, host Hal Holbrook takes viewers back across the centuries to uncover the history of the Sabbath. This five-part documentary video series traces the evidence of ancient records as found in the archives and libraries of international scholarship.
The story of the change of the Sabbath is enriched by the testimony of fifty historians and theologians from around the world. Together they provide a careful exposé of the epic battle over the biblical Sabbath.
Audioverse *Audio*
A veritable cornucopia of sermons to download! These are 7th Day Adventist sermons. I have recently listened to many on Daniel & Revelation that were good.
Lighthouse Trails Research *Link*
Here is a website that I really like. We have several of their books. You have to pay for most of these resources, but the blog is free.
Lighthouse Trails Research
Lighthouse Trails Research
In the year 2000, we learned that a mantra-style meditation coupled with a mystical spirituality had been introduced to the evangelical, Christian church and was infiltrating youth groups, churches, seminaries, and Bible studies at an alarming rate through the Spiritual Formation movement, the emerging church, the Purpose Driven movement and so forth.
In the spring of 2002, we began Lighthouse Trails Publishing with the hope of exposing this dangerous and pervasive mystical paradigm—six months later we published our first release, A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen. We believe every Christian should read this book. Sadly, many Christians are reading and enjoying books like The Shack, Purpose Driven Life, and a multitude of books that are leading away from the Gospel, not to it.
Because the premise of this spirituality is both pantheistic (God is all things) and panentheistic (God is in all things), thus refuting the Gospel message of the Cross, we are compelled to address this issue—Lighthouse Trails Publishing and our research ministry, Lighthouse Trails Research Project, are here as a service to the body of Christ.
Since publishing A Time of Departing, we have been able to publish several other books, including some biographies that we consider exceptional and important. For instance, one of them, Trapped in Hitler's Hell, is the true story of a Jewish teen who became a Christian and lived through the Holocaust in Germany. She is still alive today, and her story is so powerful and inspirational that we believe every Christian family should read it. The lessons we can learn from that time in history are vital and should not be forgotten.
Each of the books and DVDs we publish and/or distribute has been prayerfully chosen ... and we believe the message in each one will help equip Christian families and loved ones with biblical truth and inspiration to stand in courage and strength as you defend the faith and walk with Jesus Christ. We join you in that effort, knowing that it is only by His grace we are able to do so.
Note: Lighthouse Trails is a Christian publishing company. While we hope you will read the books we have published, we provide extensive research, documentation and news on our Research site, blog and newsletter at no cost with the hope they are a blessing to the body of Christ and a witness to those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Knowwheretorun1984 Youtube Channel *Video*
Most of these videos are good. I especially like the ones debunking Zeitgeist and 2012.
Knowwheretorun1984 YouTube
Knowwheretorun1984 YouTube
The Legacy of William Cooper *Audio*
This site includes several series by Cooper's radio show "The Hour of the Time".
I like Mystery Babylon the best. They are all good, but some contain strange ideas with which I do not agree. However, you should research for yourself to find the truth.
The Legacy of William Cooper
I like Mystery Babylon the best. They are all good, but some contain strange ideas with which I do not agree. However, you should research for yourself to find the truth.
The Legacy of William Cooper
Free Audio Books *Audio*
Here are lots of EGW audio books for free. The narration could be better, but it's hard to narrate an audio book!
Ellen White Audio
Ellen White Audio
Free Audio Bibles *Audio*
Download and burn to CD or put on your iPod/iPhone/Mp3 player or whatever you have!
Free Audio Bible
Faith Comes by Hearing
If you want a dramatized audio bible, then I recommend The Word of Promise. You can get it on audible for the cheapest, but you have to have an Mp3 device to listen to it.
Audible-Word of Promise
Free Audio Bible
Faith Comes by Hearing
If you want a dramatized audio bible, then I recommend The Word of Promise. You can get it on audible for the cheapest, but you have to have an Mp3 device to listen to it.
Audible-Word of Promise
Knight Cite Citation Generator
For all my friends who still have to write papers...
This site will help you with your cites... hehe
Knight Cite
This site will help you with your cites... hehe
Knight Cite
What is KnightCite?
Compiled by Karen Jackson, KnightCite user and Class of 2009
KnightCite is an online citation generator service provided by the Hekman Library of Calvin College. This service simplifies the often tedious task of compiling an accurate bibliography in the appropriate style by formatting the given data on a source into a reliable citation, eliminating the need to memorize minute details of style for multiple kinds of sources. The service is provided free of charge by the college, and is available to members both within and outside of the Calvin community. There is no advertising on the site, and those who choose to register on the site will have the option of saving all of their citations and even multiple bibliographies to their account.
While there are currently several other citation services available on the web (some for free and others available at a cost), KnightCite was created in 2004 when comparably free and powerful enough tools were not available. The creators of KnightCite chose to develop a program for Calvin that could ensure both relevant and highly accurate results. Greg Sennema, a digital resource librarian at Calvin, explained:
Thus, KnightCite was intended to be an up-to-date tool able to quickly generate citations for increasingly used electronic resources such as scholarly articles from a database. KnightCite is unique in that it can generate citations for the three main academic citation styles: Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), or Chicago Manual of Style. Print or electronic resources may be cited, as well as a wide variety of others (particularly in the MLA style) ranging from sacred texts to cartoons. Users may save all of their citations for a given project and instantly alphabetize or edit them. Citations in one bibliography can be copied into another. When a bibliography is complete, the program can export it into an rtf or word document with the appropriate format and hanging indents so it is ready to print. These features are easy-to use and accurate, so students can quickly create a bibliography page without worrying about points being marked off for syntactical details.the idea of a citation generator was initially considered as a response to the complexity of properly citing electronic resources, particularly full-text articles found in the library's subscription research databases, but generally to all types of citations....4
Increasing numbers of library and university websites have listed KnightCite as a useful bibliographic tool. The resource was profiled in the Grand Rapids Press, and has been advertised by the college to the greater public. The ultimate mission of this tool has been to provide students and faculty with a quick and simple means of citing resources with great academic accuracy and honesty. Justin Searls, the creator of KnightCite, commented:
My only hope is that students will be able to write more complete citations by being prompted to give the information they need for a full citation, and be able to have a quick and easy interface to do that and get it done on a platform where they can generate this information quickly.4
Glenn Remelts, library director at Calvin College, summarizes the aim of KnightCite well: "This is just our gift to the struggling students who've probably spent more time formatting their bibliographies than writing their papers."2
Vigilant Citizen Website & Videos
This is an interesting website. They have some good videos on here too.
Read This First
Educate Yourself-Videos & E-books
I have watched most of these videos, and they are pretty good. I have not read all of the books. I need an E-book reader!
Read This First
Educate Yourself-Videos & E-books
I have watched most of these videos, and they are pretty good. I have not read all of the books. I need an E-book reader!
Prophecy Bible Studies & Videos
Amazing Facts Free Studies & Videos
Have a question about the Bible? Do you want clear answers about difficult Bible subjects, with plenty of scriptural support? Then you've come to the right place! Whether you want eye-opening truth about prophecy, practical advice on health, or information on just about any other Bible topic, you can find what you're looking for right here. Even better ... it's all free!
The Corporation *Video*
The Corporation*
*disclaimer: many of their "solutions" do not fit into a Biblical world view.
*disclaimer: many of their "solutions" do not fit into a Biblical world view.
From: http://www.thecorporation.com/About the Film
WINNER OF 26 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! 10 Audience Choice Awards including the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.Provoking, witty, stylish and sweepingly informative, THE CORPORATIONexplores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Part film and part movement, The Corporation is transforming audiences and dazzling critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Taking its status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" The Corporation includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change."AN OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING EXTRAS, there is basically another 6-hour (!) documentary included." MovieFreakAlong with the groundbreaking 145-minute theatrical version of the film, the two-disc DVD has eight hours of never-before-seen footage. In addition to two commentary tracks, deleted scenes, and Q's-and-A's, 165 new clips and updates are sorted "by person" and "by topic." Get the details you want to know on the issues you care about. Then, check out the web links for follow-up research and action.THE CORPORATION is Canada's most successful documentary... EVER!The film is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan.
Aquarius the Age of Evil *Video*
Aquarius the Age of Evil
This documentary examines the history of the New World Order and demonstrates that the New World Order is 'New Age' oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the New World Order movements.
Order the high-quality, 2-disc DVD set
More Info:
This documentary examines the history of the New World Order and demonstrates that the New World Order is 'New Age' oriented. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to have ties to the New Age, Theosophy, Freemasonry and the New World Order movements.
Order the high-quality, 2-disc DVD set
More Info:
Forerunner777's YouTube Channel *Video*
The New Age Agenda Part 1
The Forerunner, Christopher Hudson, is a 7th Day Adventist. He gives lectures and Bible studies exposing the new age, new world order, and much more.
The New Age Agenda Part 1
The Forerunner, Christopher Hudson, is a 7th Day Adventist. He gives lectures and Bible studies exposing the new age, new world order, and much more.
Walter Veith-Total Onslaught *Video*
I will be posting a series of videos online that I like.
Walter Veith-Total Onslaught
Walter Veith-Total Onslaught
Professor Walter J. Veith - world renowned scientist, author, and lecturer
Professor Walter J. Veith has traveled widely throughout North America and the world presenting his visually documented Amazing Discoveries seminar series to large, enthusiastic crowds. Read about how he changed from an atheist and evolutionist to a Christian and creationist.
Professor Walter J. Veith believes that the theory of evolution does not provide a plausible explanation of our origins. He has researched how modern animal husbandry affects the incidence of disease transfer to humans. Professor Veith's research field is nutritional physiology.
Professor Walter J. Veith is an ardent student of history and prophecy and has lectured to standing-room-only crowds around the world on his findings in archaeology, history, Bible prophecy, secret societies, and political intrigue.
Professor Walter J. Veith believes that the theory of evolution does not provide a plausible explanation of our origins. He has researched how modern animal husbandry affects the incidence of disease transfer to humans. Professor Veith's research field is nutritional physiology.
Professor Walter J. Veith is an ardent student of history and prophecy and has lectured to standing-room-only crowds around the world on his findings in archaeology, history, Bible prophecy, secret societies, and political intrigue.
Read more from Professor Veith's Biography
Revelation *Bible Study*
After the study last night on Revelation 11, I wanted to provide everyone with a resource to study on your own. I have included some of the charts that really helped us understand the seals and churches from the previous chapters.
Light Bearers Ministry-Unlocking Revelation
Charts (From Revelation study at Ephesus Church-Birmingham, AL):
7 Churches Chart
Revelation Symbols Handout 1
Revelation Symbols Handout 2
Revelation Seals Handout 1
Revelation Seals Handout 2
Recommended Books:
Understanding the Mysteries of Daniel & Revelation by Loren Nelson (Click to purchase)
The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White (Click for free E-book)
Pathways of the Pioneers (Audio Drama) (Click to purchase)
Lest We Forget by George R. Knight (Daily Devotional)
Millerite 1843 Chart
SDA Eschatology
Hebrew Tabernacle
Note: Zeke has pointed out from the book Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ranko Stefanovic that the two witnesses from Revelation can also represent the church. They represent the OT and NT, but they can also represent priests and kings. We, as the church, are also priests and kings.
Light Bearers Ministry-Unlocking Revelation
Charts (From Revelation study at Ephesus Church-Birmingham, AL):
7 Churches Chart
Revelation Symbols Handout 1
Revelation Symbols Handout 2
Revelation Seals Handout 1
Revelation Seals Handout 2
Recommended Books:
Understanding the Mysteries of Daniel & Revelation by Loren Nelson (Click to purchase)
The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White (Click for free E-book)
Pathways of the Pioneers (Audio Drama) (Click to purchase)
Lest We Forget by George R. Knight (Daily Devotional)
Millerite 1843 Chart
SDA Eschatology
Hebrew Tabernacle
Note: Zeke has pointed out from the book Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ranko Stefanovic that the two witnesses from Revelation can also represent the church. They represent the OT and NT, but they can also represent priests and kings. We, as the church, are also priests and kings.
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