Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jewish Feasts

Feasts that Typify Christ's First Coming

Feasts that Typify Christ's Second Coming

The Jewish feasts were a shadow of something that would happen in the future. Therefore, when the type meets the anti-type, we do not have to keep the feasts anymore. See which feasts have already been fulfilled.

About typology

More on feasts:
Jewish Holiday Listing for 2012
Biblical Pilgrimage Festivals and Major Feast Days of Ancient Israel and Modern Judaism
Jewish Feasts in Type & Antitype (SDA)
Levitical Feasts-Ministry Magazine

Modern Passover
Passover Story
Modern Jewish Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

Here is a non-adventist site explaining another view on the feasts. Notice the first three and the last one are the same. The two differences are the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. It looks like much of the view is the same as the adventist view with those two differences.

Here is another view that shows a different interpretation of the feasts. This view says that the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles have NOT been fulfilled.

Here's yet another view that shows how confused everyone is regarding the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. This interpretation says that possibly the Feast of Trumpets is the gathering of the church, the Day of Atonement is the second coming of Jesus, and the Feast of Tabernacles is the inauguration of the millennium.

I'm not trying to confuse anyone with these other viewpoints. I just want to make everyone aware of the differences. I have studied it myself and have concluded that the adventist interpretation makes the most sense and fits into the bigger picture the best. I encourage you to study it out for yourself!

Footnote regarding first fruits... this passage from Desire of Ages explains what happened with the saints that were raised at Jesus' crucifixion.

During His ministry, Jesus had raised the dead to life. He had raised the son of the widow of Nain, and the ruler's daughter and Lazarus. But these were not clothed with immortality. After they were raised, they were still subject to death. But those who came forth from the grave at Christ's resurrection were raised to everlasting life. They ascended with Him as trophies of His victory over death and the grave. These, said Christ, are no longer the captives of Satan; I have redeemed them. I have brought them from the grave as the first fruits of My power, to be with Me where I am, nevermore to see death or experience sorrow.

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