Here are some resources about aliens. To make a long story short, I believe that there are other beings on other planets. I believe (based on the Bible) that these beings are unfallen, sinless creatures. We seem to be like the lost sheep of the universe... the only planet marred by the blight of sin. They are just like Adam before the fall. I don't think they are going to be trying to visit us. However, Satan and his angels try to deceive us by making us believe that beings from other worlds will visit us. These videos and articles will try to explain why.
Here is a study about the 24 elders that explains my position on unfallen worlds besides our own.
Twenty Four Elders
I don't really agree with everything these sources say, but here they are. You can decide for yourself....
Bill Cooper-Alien Agenda
David Icke Debunked- because he promotes a lot about the alien greys
A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television
There is a TON of other info online about aliens being demons or fallen angels. Most of it is very sensational. I will try to watch some of them and weed them out. I don't really subscribe to the whole story of Enoch, but I haven't looked into that much. I try to stick to the Bible, and I'm not convinced that the Book of Enoch is inspired canon.
New Info:
Demonic Alien Agenda Part 1 There are many parts to this video, and I don't agree with the whole thing. Of course, it's overly dramatic at times. The bottom line is that UFO's are more likely to be demons or fallen angels than actual beings from other planets contacting us. I don't really buy into the whole Nephilim theory that the fallen angels are making hybrid humans. This doesn't really fit with scripture. I believe that the angels can't reproduce (they neither marry nor are given in marriage). Maybe they could do genetic experiments, so that is possible. Who knows for sure? I do know that people have reported lots of UFO's and the media is playing up a theme of aliens and UFOs lately. Also, a lot of these "close encounters" come with a message that is strikingly similar to New Age ideology given by channeled entities. I think the whole alien phenomena is more closely related to the occult. The main thing that we need to do is study scripture and have a close relationship with Jesus Christ so that we are not deceived.
The Dark Side of NASA
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Inspirational Sermons
Inspirational Sermons
See especially the following:
Lessons From A Forbidden Tree by Pastor Steven Bohr
You can order Pastor Bohr's sermons at Secrets Unsealed
The (Almost) Forgotten Day by Pastor Steven Bohr
You can order Pastor Bohr's sermons at Secrets Unsealed
The Return Of The War Hero by Pastor Stephen Bohr
God's Heavenly Council - by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Genesis And The Gift Of Prophecy by Pastor Stephen Bohr
See especially the following:
Lessons From A Forbidden Tree by Pastor Steven Bohr
You can order Pastor Bohr's sermons at Secrets Unsealed
The (Almost) Forgotten Day by Pastor Steven Bohr
You can order Pastor Bohr's sermons at Secrets Unsealed
The Return Of The War Hero by Pastor Stephen Bohr
God's Heavenly Council - by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Genesis And The Gift Of Prophecy by Pastor Stephen Bohr
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Dr. Pipim on Hope Media
I can recommend a couple of Dr. Pipim's series on here.
Counterfeit Revivals, the Emergent Church and the New Spirituality Movements
Signs and Wonders
His other lectures are probably good too.
Dr. Pipim on Hope Media
Counterfeit Revivals, the Emergent Church and the New Spirituality Movements
Signs and Wonders
His other lectures are probably good too.
Dr. Pipim on Hope Media
Stephen Bohr-Three Inseparable Doctrines
Three Inseparable Doctrines
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
Dr. Samuel Pipim-Trojan Horses *Audio*
Trojan Horses
I liked most of this except the part where he talks about things he found on Urban Dictionary ;-) You'll see what I mean if you listen to it. However, this is a very important topic.
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
I liked most of this except the part where he talks about things he found on Urban Dictionary ;-) You'll see what I mean if you listen to it. However, this is a very important topic.
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
Mark Finley-Empowered by the Spirit *Audio*
I am going to post several series' that I recommend. With all of the abundance of sermons online, I thought this might be helpful for some people.
Empowered By The Spirit
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
Empowered By The Spirit
*Make sure you notice that there are several parts to the series and download all of the parts. They will show up below the player.
Secrets Unsealed *Website*
I really like a lot of things by Pastor Bohr. I will post sermons I like separately. However, here is the link to the Secrets Unsealed website and the free stuff.
Free Bible Study Downloads
Free Bible Study Downloads
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School *Video*
Our Spirits Don't Speak English
“Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School" is a Native American perspective on Indian Boarding Schools. This DVD produced by Rich-Heape Films, Inc. uncovers the dark history of U.S. Government policy which took Indian children from their homes, forced them into boarding schools and enacted a policy of educating them in the ways of Western Society. This DVD gives a voice to the countless Indian children forced through a system designed to strip them of their Native American culture, heritage and traditions. My brief commentary: Note that the Catholic church was involved with the "education" of native peoples. This illustrates the dragon-like quality of the United States. The US is the 2nd beast of Revelation that rises out of the earth with two horns like a lamb that spake as a dragon. The dragon was even working in this. Spiritual Incest: Jesuits to Pay $166 Million for Boarding School Abuse |
Whole Brain Teaching
I have been using this method while substitute teaching. All I have to say is that it works like MAGIC! I had learned about it a little bit in school. My husband is in school to teach elementary school now, and he learned about it in class. He got really excited and wanted to try it. I thought it would be stupid and no one would do it, but it really works. The students really like it too. I have tried this on ages ranging from 6th to 11th grade. They have many resources on the website and a forum too, so check it out!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Walter Veith-Total Transformation Series
1. Co-dependence This lecture deals with the harmony and interdependence existing in the natural world. As the natural world is a lesson book on the character of God, the principles that we can learn there must also apply to us as individuals and to His Church.
Each creature in the natural world has a specific role to play and even if that role seems ignoble, it is still essential for the survival of the organisms around it, so we all have essential co-dependent interconnected roles to play on the world around us whereby we unselfishly supply the needs of others through our own labor. This DVD takes a lesson from nature for our own lives. Receive a glimpse of God’s order of things and His ideal world.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The signing of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty on March 26, 1979, marked an emotional moment in the history of the Middle East. After years of bitter animosity punctuated by military conflict, an Arab nation and a Jewish nation embraced each other with promises of peace.
What did it signify for the little pocket of Zionism whose struggles for survival have drawn United States approval and support? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, before his death, was unable to provide the security and permanent peace which has eluded Israel since the days of Abraham. The answer to Israel’s dilemma is clearly revealed in the fantastic prophecies of the Bible.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Could Jesus Have Failed?
What If?
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez
This question, phrased in different ways, is often asked. And I'm always reluctant to deal with it because it is an invitation to speculate on matters about which we know nothing. What's surprising is that some take their speculations so seriously that they become dogmatic about them. Humility should be a fundamental characteristic of any Bible student.
In this particular case my reluctance is determined by what we do know. We know that Jesus did not sin. That should be enough. But those interested in the question press the issue: Could He have sinned? Had He sinned, what would have been the consequences of His sin? In order to avoid dealing with this question again, let me make some comments that you may or may not find helpful.
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez
Had Jesus sinned, what would have happened to Him?
In this particular case my reluctance is determined by what we do know. We know that Jesus did not sin. That should be enough. But those interested in the question press the issue: Could He have sinned? Had He sinned, what would have been the consequences of His sin? In order to avoid dealing with this question again, let me make some comments that you may or may not find helpful.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Libravox *Link*
I had forgotten about this AWESOME website for FREE audiobooks. Even if you don't have money, you can still listen to audiobooks. Also, some of my friends were interested in recording audiobooks, so we could record them and put them on Libravox!
More on Dominion Theology
Theocracy Watch: Dominion Theology
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
NPR Story: The Evangelicals Engaged in Spiritual Warfare
Dominionism: A Theology that Mingles With Mysticism
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
NPR Story: The Evangelicals Engaged in Spiritual Warfare
Dominionism: A Theology that Mingles With Mysticism
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Power Behind the New World Order *Video*
Power Behind the New World Order
A film by Megiddo Films taking a Biblical perspective of the New World Order. All rights belong to Megiddo Films.
This is a pretty good compilation of clips and commentary by Megiddo films. I don't agree with the part about the literal State of Israel. Other than that, I thought it was very good.
A film by Megiddo Films taking a Biblical perspective of the New World Order. All rights belong to Megiddo Films.
This is a pretty good compilation of clips and commentary by Megiddo films. I don't agree with the part about the literal State of Israel. Other than that, I thought it was very good.
What is Mysticism?
The term ‘mysticism,’ comes from the Greek μυω, meaning “to conceal.” In the Hellenistic world, ‘mystical’ referred to “secret” religious rituals. In early Christianity the term came to refer to “hidden” allegorical interpretations of Scriptures and to hidden presences, such as that of Jesus at the Eucharist.
The Roots of Evolution *Video*
The Roots of Evolution
Did the theory of evolution start with Charles Darwin? If not whose work was he building on and where did they get their influences? Paul James-Griffith is a former ancient history teacher in this talk he presents his research on the origin of the theory of evolution.
Did the theory of evolution start with Charles Darwin? If not whose work was he building on and where did they get their influences? Paul James-Griffith is a former ancient history teacher in this talk he presents his research on the origin of the theory of evolution.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Truth About Hell
The topic of hell has raged through the ages, and the controversy is far from settled even within Christian circles. A Christian author and pastor named Rob Bell wrote the following in his book Love Wins: “It's been clearly communicated to many that this belief (in hell as conscious, eternal torment) is a central truth of the Christian faith and to reject it is, in essence, to reject Jesus. This is misguided and toxic and ultimately subverts the contagious spread of Jesus' message of love, peace, forgiveness and joy that our world desperately needs to hear.” His message has been received with joy and anger alike. But while he rejects the most common understanding of hell, he doesn’t firmly adhere to a different one. He welcomes questioning and uncertainty on the matter.
We believe there is firm Scriptural truth about hell, and that your questions deserve sound Bible answers. This web site is wholly devoted to exploring and demystifying the Bible topic of hellfire. We believe the truth, as it is in Christ, can both broaden our understanding and draw into a closer relationship with God. If hellfire perplexes or scares you, or if you’re looking for answers instead of questions, we encourage you to spend a few minutes with us as we explore this controversial topic.
May God bless your search for truth!
Hellfire Conspiracy Exposed *Video*
What and Where Is Hell? Is Hellfire Real? Does It Burn Forever? Part 1 of 2
What and Where Is Hell? Is Hellfire Real? Does It Burn Forever? Part 2 of 2
We believe there is firm Scriptural truth about hell, and that your questions deserve sound Bible answers. This web site is wholly devoted to exploring and demystifying the Bible topic of hellfire. We believe the truth, as it is in Christ, can both broaden our understanding and draw into a closer relationship with God. If hellfire perplexes or scares you, or if you’re looking for answers instead of questions, we encourage you to spend a few minutes with us as we explore this controversial topic.
May God bless your search for truth!
Hellfire Conspiracy Exposed *Video*
What and Where Is Hell? Is Hellfire Real? Does It Burn Forever? Part 1 of 2
What and Where Is Hell? Is Hellfire Real? Does It Burn Forever? Part 2 of 2
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Is Sunday Really Sacred? *Article*
Is-Sunday-Really-Sacred? | |
by Joe Crews |
A Wrong Turn
One of David’s most beautiful prayers is recorded in Psalm 43:3. “O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.”
This same earnest petition to understand God’s Word should be in the heart of every sincere seeker for truth. A willingness to learn and to obey must characterize all of those who expect to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit. To such, the beautiful promise of the beatitude will be fulfilled. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).
Which Bible Version Is The Best?
I prefer literal translations such as the King James Version for serious study. However, newer versions can sometimes help with understanding the older style of writing. I would recommend studying with someone who has a different version or comparing two versions by yourself. Parallel Bibles are great for this!
The Faithful Witness
Or if you have more time to read...
Bible Versions-Does it Really Matter Which?
The Faithful Witness
Or if you have more time to read...
Bible Versions-Does it Really Matter Which?
Jewish Feasts
Feasts that Typify Christ's First Coming
Feasts that Typify Christ's Second Coming
The Jewish feasts were a shadow of something that would happen in the future. Therefore, when the type meets the anti-type, we do not have to keep the feasts anymore. See which feasts have already been fulfilled.
About typology
More on feasts:
Jewish Holiday Listing for 2012
Biblical Pilgrimage Festivals and Major Feast Days of Ancient Israel and Modern Judaism
Jewish Feasts in Type & Antitype (SDA)
Levitical Feasts-Ministry Magazine
Modern Passover
Passover Story
Modern Jewish Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Here is a non-adventist site explaining another view on the feasts. Notice the first three and the last one are the same. The two differences are the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. It looks like much of the view is the same as the adventist view with those two differences.
Here is another view that shows a different interpretation of the feasts. This view says that the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles have NOT been fulfilled.
Here's yet another view that shows how confused everyone is regarding the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. This interpretation says that possibly the Feast of Trumpets is the gathering of the church, the Day of Atonement is the second coming of Jesus, and the Feast of Tabernacles is the inauguration of the millennium.
I'm not trying to confuse anyone with these other viewpoints. I just want to make everyone aware of the differences. I have studied it myself and have concluded that the adventist interpretation makes the most sense and fits into the bigger picture the best. I encourage you to study it out for yourself!
Footnote regarding first fruits... this passage from Desire of Ages explains what happened with the saints that were raised at Jesus' crucifixion.
Feasts that Typify Christ's Second Coming
The Jewish feasts were a shadow of something that would happen in the future. Therefore, when the type meets the anti-type, we do not have to keep the feasts anymore. See which feasts have already been fulfilled.
About typology
More on feasts:
Jewish Holiday Listing for 2012
Biblical Pilgrimage Festivals and Major Feast Days of Ancient Israel and Modern Judaism
Jewish Feasts in Type & Antitype (SDA)
Levitical Feasts-Ministry Magazine
Modern Passover
Passover Story
Modern Jewish Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Here is a non-adventist site explaining another view on the feasts. Notice the first three and the last one are the same. The two differences are the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. It looks like much of the view is the same as the adventist view with those two differences.
Here is another view that shows a different interpretation of the feasts. This view says that the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles have NOT been fulfilled.
Here's yet another view that shows how confused everyone is regarding the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. This interpretation says that possibly the Feast of Trumpets is the gathering of the church, the Day of Atonement is the second coming of Jesus, and the Feast of Tabernacles is the inauguration of the millennium.
I'm not trying to confuse anyone with these other viewpoints. I just want to make everyone aware of the differences. I have studied it myself and have concluded that the adventist interpretation makes the most sense and fits into the bigger picture the best. I encourage you to study it out for yourself!
Footnote regarding first fruits... this passage from Desire of Ages explains what happened with the saints that were raised at Jesus' crucifixion.
During His ministry, Jesus had raised the dead to life. He had raised the son of the widow of Nain, and the ruler's daughter and Lazarus. But these were not clothed with immortality. After they were raised, they were still subject to death. But those who came forth from the grave at Christ's resurrection were raised to everlasting life. They ascended with Him as trophies of His victory over death and the grave. These, said Christ, are no longer the captives of Satan; I have redeemed them. I have brought them from the grave as the first fruits of My power, to be with Me where I am, nevermore to see death or experience sorrow.
The Great Global Warming Swindle *Video*
The Great Global Warming Swindle *Video*
Here are some theories associated with the "green" movement.
The Green Agenda-The Gaia Hypothesis
The Population Control Agenda Behind the Global Warming Movement
Dark Green Religion
Is Climate Change Being Used to Promote Socialism?
Sure, we need to take care of of our environment better, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about climate change and global warming.
Here are some theories associated with the "green" movement.
The Green Agenda-The Gaia Hypothesis
The Population Control Agenda Behind the Global Warming Movement
Dark Green Religion
Is Climate Change Being Used to Promote Socialism?
Sure, we need to take care of of our environment better, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about climate change and global warming.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Church History Timeline
This is a Presbyterian resource for Christian church history.
This is a Presbyterian resource for Christian church history.
The Apostolic Period: 35-120The Apologists: 120-220The Third Century: 220-305The Imperial Church: 305-476The Early Middle Ages: 476-999The High Middle Ages: 1000-1299The Late Middle Ages: 1300-1499The Reformation: 1500-1599The Puritans: 1600-1699The Great Awakening: 1700-1799The 2nd Great Awakening: 1800-1899The Modern Period: 1900-Present
Here is an adventist church timeline since the one above doesn't mention the SDA church at all.
Here is an adventist church timeline since the one above doesn't mention the SDA church at all.
Race Relations in the Adventist Church
I recently completed a paper about the Adventist work in the South from 1860-1910. I found out a lot of new information about Adventist history and the pioneers in the Southern Work. Then, I listened to this sermon by Eric Walsh that really ties in with the topic.
Sermon by Eric Walsh-Who Stopped the Movement
SDA Pioneers in the Black Work from 1860-1910*
*See footnotes and bibliography for links to other resources on this topic.
Sermon by Eric Walsh-Who Stopped the Movement
SDA Pioneers in the Black Work from 1860-1910*
*See footnotes and bibliography for links to other resources on this topic.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Christ's Human Nature *Article*
The most dangerous counterfeit is the one that most nearly resembles the true. This is why religious counterfeits are so deadly and are often tolerated rather than identified and exposed. Christians in general are afraid that they will be misunderstood if they attack something that looks so much like the finest thing in religion. Since there is often only a thin line separating the best from the worst, they fear being charged with attacking the genuine if they oppose the counterfeit.
Has Satan fabricated some look-alike perversions of the most sacred doctrines in Christianity? Indeed he has, and the delicate distinctions have made even theologians and scholars very reticent to oppose them openly.
The Money Masters *Video*
The Money Masters
THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today.
THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Soapmaking Resources
It's about that time of year when I become obsessed with soap making! My mom said that Hobby Lobby has some soap making items now. Maybe it's gone mainstream? I haven't been to check it out yet.
Several sites now offer soap making kits. I like this site, Soap Making Resource Kits. I have the acrylic mold, and I LOVE it. No Line Acrylic Log Soap Mold
I've ordered essential oils from Cranberry Lane before also.
How to make cold process soap (No, that's not me :)
Cold Process Soap Making Tutorial
Cold Process Soap Recipes:
Soap Queen
Soap Nuts
Several sites now offer soap making kits. I like this site, Soap Making Resource Kits. I have the acrylic mold, and I LOVE it. No Line Acrylic Log Soap Mold
I've ordered essential oils from Cranberry Lane before also.
How to make cold process soap (No, that's not me :)
Cold Process Soap Making Tutorial
Cold Process Soap Recipes:
Soap Queen
Soap Nuts
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Canning & Food Preservation
I started preserving food this year. Here are some resources that I used with success.
Quick Process Dill Pickle Mix
Salsa Mix
Pasta Sauce Mix
Low-No Sugar Needed Fruit Pectin
Peach Butter Recipe
Tips for Water Bath Canning
Note: you can't preserve low acid foods like green beans in a water bath canner. You might get some kind of disease like botulism, and that would be bad.
How to Freeze Vegetables
Quick Process Dill Pickle Mix
Salsa Mix
Pasta Sauce Mix
Low-No Sugar Needed Fruit Pectin
Peach Butter Recipe
Tips for Water Bath Canning
Note: you can't preserve low acid foods like green beans in a water bath canner. You might get some kind of disease like botulism, and that would be bad.
How to Freeze Vegetables
Dealing with Tongues *Articles*
Amazing Discoveries-Articles about Tongues
Pagan Practices:
Ecstatic language was a common form of worship in pagan temples.i It was well established in Ancient Byblos (1100 BC). Plato (429-347 BC) mentions it as a phenomenon in his time. He tells us that a person under divine possession received utterances and visions that the receiver did not understand.
These utterances were sometimes accompanied by physical healing of people present. Virgil (70-19 BC) tells us that the Sibylline priestess, when in prayer, united her spirit with the god Apollo and spoke in strange tongues.
Pagan Practices:
Ecstatic language was a common form of worship in pagan temples.i It was well established in Ancient Byblos (1100 BC). Plato (429-347 BC) mentions it as a phenomenon in his time. He tells us that a person under divine possession received utterances and visions that the receiver did not understand.
These utterances were sometimes accompanied by physical healing of people present. Virgil (70-19 BC) tells us that the Sibylline priestess, when in prayer, united her spirit with the god Apollo and spoke in strange tongues.
Music in the Church
Music in the church is a touchy subject. I just got back from church where the pastor preached about how the youth need to be allowed to take leadership in the church today. The youth does need to be given some freedom. However, they need guidance as well. We cannot conform to the world to reach the world. Jesus says if we lift Him up, then we will draw all men unto him. How do we lift Jesus up in our music? Here are some resources that I have found helpful in the search for music that is pleasing to God. Sometimes, it is not about what pleases our own ears. The truth will draw those who seek it.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Heirloom Gardening & Seed Saving
Here are some resources that I have used for growing heirloom vegetables and saving seeds.
I have bought seeds from these places, and they all germinated well. I had very few to zero "bad seeds".
I used this method for saving tomato seeds with success. I have not tried to grow or germinate any of the seeds yet.
How to Save Tomato Seeds
Here are some other resources that will be helpful if you are interested in organic, heirloom gardening and seed saving. I would highly recommend planning your garden before planting. I also start seeds indoors before planting outdoors. Eldorado (listed above) sent us a garden planner with dates when you should plant each kind of vegetable. Check with your local co-op to find out when your last frost date will be and when you should plant certain things in your area. You should not plant certain plant families near each other or they will cross pollinate. See the links below for more details on cross-pollination.
Seed Saving Instructions for Beginners
Tomato Cross-Pollination
Plant Families-Planning your garden for seed saving
You can get an indoor grow lamp from I got the small table lamp to start off with. It works really well. However, I know people that just sit their plants in a sunny window until they're ready to go outside. I had great success with the plant lamps inside because I can't put them in a window.
I have bought seeds from these places, and they all germinated well. I had very few to zero "bad seeds".
I used this method for saving tomato seeds with success. I have not tried to grow or germinate any of the seeds yet.
How to Save Tomato Seeds
Here are some other resources that will be helpful if you are interested in organic, heirloom gardening and seed saving. I would highly recommend planning your garden before planting. I also start seeds indoors before planting outdoors. Eldorado (listed above) sent us a garden planner with dates when you should plant each kind of vegetable. Check with your local co-op to find out when your last frost date will be and when you should plant certain things in your area. You should not plant certain plant families near each other or they will cross pollinate. See the links below for more details on cross-pollination.
Seed Saving Instructions for Beginners
Tomato Cross-Pollination
Plant Families-Planning your garden for seed saving
You can get an indoor grow lamp from I got the small table lamp to start off with. It works really well. However, I know people that just sit their plants in a sunny window until they're ready to go outside. I had great success with the plant lamps inside because I can't put them in a window.
French History Since 1815 *Videos*
I figured I would share these videos that I found on French History. This is for my classmates and all of you who want to know more about French history without paying some university a couple of hundred bucks ;)
Quick & Dirty History of the Crimean War
Franco Prussian War Part 1
Franco Prussian War Part 2
German Unification & the Era of Otto von Bismarck
This is a bit of German history, but they are intertwined with the history of France after the Franco Prussian War.
I'll post more as I find them.
Quick & Dirty History of the Crimean War
Franco Prussian War Part 1
Franco Prussian War Part 2
German Unification & the Era of Otto von Bismarck
This is a bit of German history, but they are intertwined with the history of France after the Franco Prussian War.
I'll post more as I find them.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Secret Arcana *Website*
About Secret Arcana Secret Arcana is a website aiming to publish on a regular basis well-researched articles on the powerful, yet concealed, forces shaping our world. It is maintained by VC, the creator of The Vigilant Citizen, a popular website exploring occult symbolism in popular culture. Secret Arcanaexpands on key concepts discussed on Vigilant Citizen and goes in greater details on the hidden knowledge, the influential people and the occult symbolism of those in power. This website does not aim to promote or to dismiss particular views, opinions or belief systems. It rather attempts to present in an objective matter the subjects at hand, using credible sources from different viewpoints. In short, Secret Arcana is about seeking the truth: nothing more, nothing less.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Final Events of Bible Prophecy *Video*
Final Events of Bible Prophecy
Watch Bible prophecy come to life as this amazing 43-minute documentary unfolds the dramatic events of tomorrow. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor this stunning DVD features special effects along with a rich music soundtrack. It's great video for church & youth groups as well as private study.
Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals, & Babylon the Great
Originally posted on
Do you ever have something that just totally jumps out at you while you are studying the bible? I have a good one as of recent and I will share below.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Dark Ages *History Video*
I am not going to go into why I don't trust everything on this History channel... This is a good overview of the Dark Ages, but if you want a detailed history of this time period, then you will need to pick up a book! I like The Great Controversy by E.G. White, and there are many references to historical works on the reformation and the Middle Ages/Dark Ages in that book.
The Dark Ages Part 1
Click the sidebar on YouTube for the rest of the parts.
The Dark Ages Part 1
Click the sidebar on YouTube for the rest of the parts.
Secret Rapture Deception *Article*
Secret Rapture Summary
It is our sincere and earnest prayer that this document will reveal to you the total unscriptural nature of the Secret Rapture doctrine. Instead of preparing God’s people to face the increasingly difficult days ahead, as tribulation intensifies, this Jesuit manufactured doctrine has deluded millions of Christians into a false notion of escapism. Instead of obeying the Lord’s command to resist evil and occupy until He comes, they have become so “rapture” minded that they no longer even resist the evil, believing that they will not defeat it, but instead be rescued from it.
Dominionism & the Rise of Christian Imperialism *Article*
Dominionism teaches:
The Gospel of Salvation is achieved by setting up the “Kingdom of God” as a literal and physical kingdom to be “advanced” on Earth in the present age. Some dominionists liken the New Testament Kingdom to the Old Testament Israel in ways that justify taking up the sword, or other methods of punitive judgment, to war against enemies of their kingdom. Dominionists teach that men can be coerced or compelled to enter the kingdom. They assign to the Church duties and rights that belong Scripturally only to Jesus Christ. This includes the esoteric belief that believers can “incarnate” Christ and function as His body on Earth to establish His kingdom rule. An inordinate emphasis is placed on man’s efforts; the doctrine of the sovereignty of God is diminished.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Yoga Uncoiled *Video*
Yoga Uncoiled: From East to West Part 1
Yoga Uncoiled: From East to West Part 2
I used to practice Yoga regularly. After I became a Christian, I continued to do Yoga for exercise. After I watched this video, I stopped doing Yoga altogether.
Yoga Uncoiled: From East to West Part 2
I used to practice Yoga regularly. After I became a Christian, I continued to do Yoga for exercise. After I watched this video, I stopped doing Yoga altogether.
A look at The New Age Today
YOGA UNCOILED: From East to West
A look into the practice of Yoga in the Church
Many believe they can practice yoga postures, breathing, and focusing techniques devoid of yoga's spirituality, not realizing that yoga is an inherent part of Hindu philosophy which teaches man and nature are one with divinity.
Today, yoga is experiencing a worldwide renaissance and in America has more than 70,000 yoga teachers working in 20,000 locations. Although viewed primarily as fitness instructors, these trainers are in reality the leading missionaries of eastern religion in the west. The twenty-seven billion dollar a year yoga industry is marketed to students, athletes, businessmen, pregnant women and senior citizens promising solutions for stress reduction, concentration problems, and issues of self confidence.
Once viewed by Christians as a pagan import from the East, yoga has now become mainstream in the church through "Christ-centered yoga classes" designed to help improve spirituality and experience "the presence of God". But is yoga's mysticism compatible with historic Christianity?
Video-journalist Caryl Matrisciana, who was born and raised in India, returns to her native land to search for truth among India's leading experts and examines what Christian Yoga practitioners in the West are saying about their Yoga participation.
With critical discernment, this hard-hitting and informative DVD explores the ramifications of dismissing yoga's core spirituality, and blending Biblical terminology and precepts with eastern meditative techniques and practices.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Via Ut Rome-Road to Rome *Video*
Today, more than ever before, people are alarmed as they observe the restless, strained relations that exist among the nations of this planet. This is a generation that is searching for answers, a generation that wants to know what lies behind the news headlines. Many are starting to wonder if there is some major, unseen, secretive force that is motivating and, perhaps, manipulating unfolding scenes on the global stage. Via Ut Roma (Road to Rome), is one of the most revealing, startling, timely and up-to-date documentaries on prophetic revelation and current events that you may ever see. This DVD is Part One of the Evidence Project.
Amazing Discoveries *Website*
Our basic beliefs are condensed into four primary teachings, the four “C”s:
Christ—We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and fully God and fully man (See Hebrews 2). He is our ONLY means of salvation, and it is only by His grace and His grace alone are we saved. We can do nothing to earn our salvation.
Cross—Jesus' death and resurrection is our way to heaven. Because of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we can be looked upon as perfect if we accept His atoning sacrifice in our behalf.
Commandments—Because of our love for Jesus and thankfulness for what He has done for us, we choose to keep God’s commandments (See John 14:15). This includes the Fourth Commandment, which tells us that we must keep the Sabbath on the seventh day.
Coming Again—We believe that Jesus is coming again in the clouds of heaven. As the Bible says, we will meet him in the air (See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Rekindling the Reformation *Video*
Watch online:
Twin Pillars of the Reformation
Let There Be Light
They Have Made Void Thy Law
They Have Made Void Thy Law II
The Fourth Man in the Furnace
Heritage of Israel
Typology of Deliverance
A Price to be Paid
The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation
The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation II
Watch online:
Twin Pillars of the Reformation
Let There Be Light
They Have Made Void Thy Law
They Have Made Void Thy Law II
The Fourth Man in the Furnace
Heritage of Israel
Typology of Deliverance
A Price to be Paid
The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation
The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation II
History of the Sinner's Prayer *Video*
History of the Sinner's Prayer
The Graham Formula, a 30 minute video presentation based on the book by Patrick McIntyre. By explaining the evolution of the altar call and salvation prayer, McIntyre identifies why most Americans think they are born again.
The Graham Formula, a 30 minute video presentation based on the book by Patrick McIntyre. By explaining the evolution of the altar call and salvation prayer, McIntyre identifies why most Americans think they are born again.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Battlefield Hollywood-Home Hypnotist *Video*
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
About Little Light Ministries:
Little Light Studios (LLS) was established in 2007 when two brothers left their careers in the Hollywood film and television industry and, joined by their childhood best friend, set out to create thought-provoking and creative media productions for God, rather than themselves. With the firm belief that “Christian media” and messages need not be presented in lifeless or unattractive form, Little Light Studios seeks to inspire a new generation of talented young people to share their faith not only intelligently, but with creative passion.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Home Hypnotist
What is happening in the brain when we stare at a blinking light source. Does watching TV even effect us? Is there such thing as subliminal advertising and does it work? Find out in this exposé how simple hypnosis is utilized to manipulate the minds of the masses.
About Little Light Ministries:
Little Light Studios (LLS) was established in 2007 when two brothers left their careers in the Hollywood film and television industry and, joined by their childhood best friend, set out to create thought-provoking and creative media productions for God, rather than themselves. With the firm belief that “Christian media” and messages need not be presented in lifeless or unattractive form, Little Light Studios seeks to inspire a new generation of talented young people to share their faith not only intelligently, but with creative passion.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The French Revolution *History Video*
Here is a good, short video about the French Revolution if you need a refresher course on this huge event in world history.
Part 1
Click the sidebar in YouTube for the rest of the parts. There are 9 total.
See also:
The Great Controversy Chapter 15-The Bible & The French Revolution
Part 1
Click the sidebar in YouTube for the rest of the parts. There are 9 total.
See also:
The Great Controversy Chapter 15-The Bible & The French Revolution
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
10 Concerns About Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life
Summary of
In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren introduces his main themes of “hope” and “purpose.” Inexplicably, Warren chooses to introduce “hope” and “purpose” in his book by citing Dr. Bernie Siegel—a veteran New Age leader who claims to have a spirit-guide named George.
The “Wonderful” Deception of the Purpose Driven Paradigm
1) Rick Warren Cites New Age LeaderIn The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren introduces his main themes of “hope” and “purpose.” Inexplicably, Warren chooses to introduce “hope” and “purpose” in his book by citing Dr. Bernie Siegel—a veteran New Age leader who claims to have a spirit-guide named George.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
It Is Written
It Is Written-TV Program
It Is Written-Bible Studies
It Is Written-Bible Studies
About It Is Written
Mission Statement
It Is Written is a deeply spiritual ministry passionate about communicating the Gospel to the world. It Is Written seeks to impact lives for Christ in four ways—through the weekly telecast, the Internet, a worldwide evangelistic ministry, and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.
It Is Written is an international Christian television ministry dedicated to sharing insights from God's Word with people around the world. Founded in 1956 by George Vandeman, the theme of this ministry can be found in Matthew 4:4: "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
It Is Written has been positively impacting lives around the world for the last 55 years through former speaker/directors George Vandeman, Mark Finley and Shawn Boonstra, and current speaker/director John Bradshaw.
Each weekly program takes timeless truths and applies them to everyday life. Programs regularly deal with such issues as loneliness, fear, low self-esteem, health, family values and spiritual principles. People of all faiths and creeds—even those with no faith at all—have been inspired and encouraged through It Is Written's straightforward and uplifting presentations.
Each weekly program takes timeless truths and applies them to everyday life. Programs regularly deal with such issues as loneliness, fear, low self-esteem, health, family values and spiritual principles. People of all faiths and creeds—even those with no faith at all—have been inspired and encouraged through It Is Written's straightforward and uplifting presentations.
The Century of Self *History VIDEO*
The Century of Self
The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar. His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile. It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's world.
Cosmic Conflict-The Origin of Evil *Video*
An Epic Battle Comes to Life!Cosmic Conflict: Origin of Evil is a powerful, eye-opening documentary that focuses on the great controversy that began when Lucifer rebelled in heaven. It traces the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the creation of a beautiful new world, and the fall of man in Eden.
Most important, it clearly explains how evil invaded a world made by a loving God, who wanted nothing more than peace and happiness for all His creation. Do you want to understand where evil came from and why God let it happen — then this DVD is for you!
In stunning detail, Cosmic Conflict brings to life the ultimate battle between good and evil. This DVD is an essential Christian resource that will help you pull down the spiritual veil and see everything at stake in the war between good and evil. You will witness a vital part of the history of the cosmos that will help you make sense of world around you — at last!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Jehovah's Witnesses
I was recently asked about Jehovah's Witnesses, so I thought I would post some resources about it. I believe that JW's are very sincere, devoted people. They should not be stereotyped. They seem to have a lot of things right. For example, I agree with them about not celebrating paganized Christian holidays, birthdays, etc. I am not dogmatic about it... I think it's a personal choice.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Big Religion Chart
You know I love charts, and here is a big one! I like that you can click for a more detailed article about each religion. This website, as far as I can tell, seems to be an accurate and unbiased source for information comparing religions.
The Big Religion Comparison Chart
The Big Religion Comparison Chart
The ReligionFacts "Big Religion Chart" is an attempt to summarize all the complexities of religions and belief systems into tiny little boxes on a single, quick-reference comparison chart. Yes, of course this is impossible. As we always warn with our comparison charts, this is no substitute for reading about religions in greater detail, talking with religious adherents, etc. But this religion comparison chart can (hopefully) be a useful and accessible way to "get the gist" of some unfamiliar groups and compare basic beliefs and practices of the world's religions and belief systems. Currently, 43 belief systems are listed.
Despite the chart's simplistic title, we have been very inclusive with what is regarded as a "religion" for purposes of this comparison chart. Basically, the grounds for a group's inclusion are that it provides a set of teachings and/or rituals that deal with the traditionally "religious" issues of ultimate reality, the meaning of life, and/or how to find fulfillment, spiritual health or salvation. Also, all the groups listed below can be found in dictionaries of religion.
Inclusion of a group on this list does not mean that the group is a "religion" per se (note that atheism is listed) or a "true religion" or that one group is just as much a religion as another group. Similarly, if a group does not appear on this chart it doesn't mean it's not a religion or doesn't matter; the chart is not comprehensive and will continue to grow. Finally, listing groups separately does not mean they are mutually exclusive, nor does grouping them together mean that they are basically the same thing. This is not an authoritative list of religions, simply a resource on some worldviews and ways of life that hopefully some will find useful.
Other interesting charts:
Worldview Chart
Four Models of Western Religious Thought
Other interesting charts:
Worldview Chart
Four Models of Western Religious Thought
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked
Zeitgeist Refuted & Debunked
I don't know about the other videos posted by that guy, EliotNesch. From what I can tell, his theology is off even though the info debunking Zeitgeist is good. I can't recommend any other videos by him!
I don't know about the other videos posted by that guy, EliotNesch. From what I can tell, his theology is off even though the info debunking Zeitgeist is good. I can't recommend any other videos by him!
Light Bearers Ministry *Bible Studies*
I have tried their studies on Daniel and Revelation. So far, they are very good! I just don't care too much for the name "Light Bearers" for obvious reasons. However, we should be bearers of light in this dark world. It doesn't always have to apply to that other guy, I suppose!
Light Bearers Bible Studies
Light Bearers Bible Studies
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Beast from the Abyss-Ivor Myers
Here is a good video that I watched by Ivor Myers...
Beast from the Abyss-Part I
Beast from the Abyss-Part II 1/9*
*just click the other parts on the sidebar on YouTube
What do the French Revolution, Evolution, Hip-Hop, Rock and Roll, and the Entertainment Industry all have in common? This series reveals the organized confusion Satan is using in these last days against young people to keep them from the word of God. Once again, Pastor Myers takes you behind the scenes to the real issues that our youth face today. Your eyes will be opened!
Also good by Pastor Myers...
Sonic Warfare
Beast from the Abyss-Part I
Beast from the Abyss-Part II 1/9*
*just click the other parts on the sidebar on YouTube
What do the French Revolution, Evolution, Hip-Hop, Rock and Roll, and the Entertainment Industry all have in common? This series reveals the organized confusion Satan is using in these last days against young people to keep them from the word of God. Once again, Pastor Myers takes you behind the scenes to the real issues that our youth face today. Your eyes will be opened!
Also good by Pastor Myers...
Sonic Warfare
Friday, June 24, 2011
Spiritual Formation
What's so bad about spiritual formation? (Article Series)
Video: The New Spirituality & The Emergent Church
What's so bad about spiritual formation?
Author: John Witcombe
Summary: Spiritual formation is a popular new way to draw near to God. But beneath the good intentions lie dangerous practices that can in fact pull people towards occultism rather than God.
The spiritual formation movement is spreading rapidly throughout the Christian community. The concept of being formed spiritually is not wrong in itself, but many practices that accompany the movement miss the mark. Often, mystic rituals do not glorify the true God but can instead lead us into dangerous spritualism.
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